Sunday, March 30, 2014

In Hopes of Money

Many of the rich people we know of got their money from an ancestor, described using the term old money. Old money comes from the generations before. It is passed down from that one brilliant ancestor who struck it big in a developing society, or did something that nobody else was willing to do, and was paid handsomely for their courage, talent, or whatever else they use to make money. Then, said brilliant ancestor died and left the money to their only kid or their favorite kid. That kid then lives and grows with the advantages of having that money to their unlimited availability. That kid then passes on to the afterlife, and leaves that money as inheritance to the next generation, and the cycle of advantages based on their economic status or the value of their surname.

However, all old money has a start as new money. New money represents the successes in one's life. It comes from hard work and passion for something that pays off in the long run. That new money can then turn into old money, depending on what is done with the money, using the same process as old money. These people may be considered extraordinary because of their financial capabilities compared to everybody else.

Everybody else either generates new money or falls into the middle class. The middle class, long explanation cut short, consists of everybody that are either working in hopes of becoming new money, or are working and spending money to the point where they are living paycheck to paycheck, leaving nothing in reserve. These are the type of people we see everyday, the ordinary people.